Do I need to bring anything with my dog?
You will need to bring your dog’s food, only the amount they will need during the stay, medicine, pill pockets if your pet needs them, treats, toys, and a dog bed or blanket. Things taken from your home with all your smells are more comforting for your fur baby. We do not need any dog bowls, leashes, or crates.
What if I have multiple dogs? Can they all stay with you?
We are more than happy to accommodate all your dogs!
are there any breeds you don’t accept?
We have a policy that all dogs come for a meet and greet before they are accepted for daycare or boarding so we can evaluate whether or not they are a good fit. We do not refuse based on breed but only dog-friendly, non-aggressive, non-dominant, non-barking dogs can be accepted.
are there different rates for puppies, senior dogs, or dogs with special needs?
Each dog is evaluated at the initial meet and greet. After the first overnight visit your dog is re-evaluated if any issues arise. If there is a change to the rate it will be discussed with the owner after the first night at Carlisle Canines.